Friday, January 29, 2010
homework =0= @ 2:49 AM
gosh can't we just like have a homework column? anyway, here goes... -waits for cheryl yau to come and correct-
*i'm here!*Language Arts
-Flat and Round Characters (max of 4 pages for people with miniscule handwriting, and 5 for those with humongo ones)
-Different Perspectives (your assigned character)
Integrated Mathematics
-Math Enrichment worksheet
-Revise for AL Quiz next week
-Be kiasu and start doing SIA
-Write Mr. Tan a Get-Well-Soon card
-Science SIA! NOO. Geog
-Assignment 1-One page reflection on Haiti earthquakeHistory
-Assignment 2
-Drama worksheet
-Prepare for 《我有话说》 on Monday
-Continue brainstorming ideas
-uh.... oil? (inference from Jamie)
Scenario Writing
(GLOBAL ISSUES, PEOPLE)1. Compile possible problems
-Revise for Petit Test 1 next week -wails and screams in horror-
-Check MOELC Portal for any updates
-Be kiasu and start doing the Dossier 6 Video (final task)
Malay Special Programme
-Outline logos
hy (:
cheryl ^^
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
announcement!! @ 2:22 AM
and, there is a class outing on 2 月30日(: keen? -hint hint-
Friday, January 22, 2010
homework (again)! ^^ @ 4:22 AM
hellos! i'm like addicted to posting homework on every friday :DD so here goes~
And I'm going to add on to Cheryl Yau this time!! (:LA:
1. Revisit coming of age journals
2. TKAM presentation for certain groups
1. WS AL2
2. HOT questions ._.
3. Written Task 1
(according to Mdm Lee, the "Mrs. A has x pears" type of statement is allowed in both question and solution :D)4. (For research work students) Decide on your groups! Check your email, I (xuanli) sent an email regarding the schedules and residence thing :)
1. Newspaper review (zomg!)
2. SIA stuff! AHH
omg what SIA?!?!?!?!?! is it the reading books one or the one the xie zuo dang an?!?!?! -screams and flails arms in terror-Science:
1. Croc Physics 1.3
2. WS 1.4
3. Can start on SIA? o_o After all it's due in W8... and the coming week is W4 already.
muahaha I no need cos I in IvP -evil look-WELCOME BACK, MR TAN.
WHOOHOO!!!! ok lol o.oGeography:
1. Worksheet on plate movements
1. History Assignment
1. Improve on the "chosen" logo.
1. Get purple plastic folder~
2. Finish the worksheet if you haven't (tsk xD)
Home Econs:
1. Practical next week! Remember to bring your tea towels, apron, plastic bag and container.
oh no next week again? what are we doing now?2. Coursework
Malay (Special Programme):
1. Workbook page 3 & 5
For F2.10:1. Check your MOELC portal and do the questions under "Homework". Mostly about passe compose and adjectifs, so be prepared to mourir.2. Revise for Petit Test 1 on 1 FebGerman:
Global Issues:
1. BRAINSTORM2. what else arh? I forgot lehGreenwave:
1. Try to understand the questions and attempt some of the exercise questions?
Science Olympiad:
1. Crocodile Physics (again)
ew I just like scanned through it lorsCME:
1. 我有话要说
1. Read the 6 thick booklets briefly
yay :D i hope this is complete :X bye people!
love~ cheryl
and hy
a few matters... @ 3:10 AM
Okay, so there's some stuff I need to tell everyone :D
First of all, the pics we took today are awesomely awesome (: Yay 213!! <3

Next, as your very hardworking and exhausted and diligent and shy NE Rep, I have decided to bring this Civil Defence thingum up :D
How is Civil Defence shown/displayed/whatever in your neighbourhood?
- Some MRT stations are also bomb shelters, with that funny triangular yellow Civil Defence symbol
- MRT stations usually play those shows on TV to show you what to do if there are bombs or mysterious people (definition of 'mysterious people': people dressed in dark clothes [not necessarily] and looking very uh... MYSTERIOUS and slouching a little and pulling around this chao bulky [maybe not but nevermind] bag and leaving it under the seat when he/she leaves... hmm this sounds like Michelle Lee O:) etc.
- "Firefighting lessons" usually at HDB void decks (?) to teach people how to put out fires etc.
- Grassroots communities
- Fire drills -chiongs to NY Boarding School-
- Emergency booklets that teach you what to do during earthquakes, tsunamis, terrorist attack, fires, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, twisters, hurricanes, loud-and-scary-sounding-winds-that-cause-your-insides-to-rattle-and-shake-and-twist-and-turn-in-fear etc.
- 88.3 FM usually plays army messages?
- "Ah Gong Civil Defence Course" accoding to Piona, not me
- Water rationing
AND THE POSSIBLE "I WILLS" after a very tough selection, eliminating the ridiculous ones, especialling from the people at the back of the class -hint hint-
I will...
- stay vigilant at all times
- do my part to participate actively in such activities (as mentioned above)
- be prepared at all times for possible crisis
- learn from history to stay responsible for my country
And everybody clap for Yan Li who once again became our scribe and also contributed like nearly all of the "I will"s!! -claps and cheers-
Monday, January 18, 2010
the FOURTEENTH post @ 5:27 AM
this post is special too, cos this is the year we all turn (well, majority of us) FOURTEEN :D
anyway, sophia our loveliest awesomest monitor created a new design, which is totally awesome la!!! <3

Front of Tee (Sophia design!!)
Top of the Back of the Tee

Bottom of the Back of the Tee
Saturday, January 16, 2010
the THIRTEENTH post @ 11:22 PM
Hello!! This is the
Anyway, our dear lovely monitor Sophia suggested making some changes to the class tee, so that it'll be less pricey O:
I only removed the oscar and put a lame red flower in place ._. It actually symbolises a lot, cos it looks like a person cheering yadda yadda. Hey, the more I look at it, the more it looks like a person cheering -.- Anyway...

Edited Front Tee

Top of the Back Tee

Bottom of the Back Tee
Home Economics Week 3 :D @ 5:10 AM
hellos :DD in case you people didn't check the home econs website (tsktsk) and because i'm bored (again) i shall post to say that
THERE IS PRACTICAL NEXT WEEK, PEOPLE :D We are making healthy chicken kebabs with fruits and veg -ahem- so bring the usual stuff and head to the kitchen :D they say have to line up in register number outside the kitchen or something but i dunno if it's applicable to our class. ohwells :DD
cheryl :DD
Friday, January 15, 2010
Homework List :O @ 3:24 AM
Okay here's the homework list for this weekend :O -shouts and screams in terror-
my turn to make a few ahem changes! :DD -cyLanguage Arts- Prepare for presentations next week ><
*Going through the coming of age stories on TuesdayIntegrated Mathematics
- Math Written Task QE 1 (which I have just completed!! >:D) [NOOO!]
- QE Quiz next week! (week 3)
- 剪报(must include 内容概要 and 读后感, containing 100 and 400-600 words respectively)
- Prepare for introduction on library books
- Crocodile Science Worksheet 1.1 (for those who haven't done)
- Prepare for test next week??
Geography- Bring ruler, calculator and pencil ._. for next geog lesson on wed, 20 Jan
- History reflections; approx 300-500 words :O (the Guarani worksheet)
Conversational Malay
- Logos for Lifeskills Camp 2010 (min. 3 logos) Must include "Lifeskills Camp", "Sec 2" and "2010"
- Drama Worksheet on Physical Skills-or-what-was-it-called
Home Economics
Innovation Programme (IvP)
- Check Tan Kah Kee website (click here)
- Write-up on a certain invention
- Get required file (dark blue for our group)
Scenario Writing
Future Problem Solving (FPS)
- This is know as GLOBAL ISSUES :D
- Refine and organise research materials? sharing session on next thurs :D
Odyssey of the Mind (OM)
Bahasa Melayu
- Create a song on your best friend ._.
(for our class F2.10)
- Check MOELC portal for online activities
- Revise (according to Mme Teo)
Okay yes I purposely made it chao long >:D
italics! -yay- :DD cy~
Friday, January 8, 2010
homework! @ 11:52 PM
i'm bored ): and shall update homework ): boredom kills ._. here goes.
a few ahem updates on ahem cheryl's homework list. cos she missed out some LA
1. "Mississipi (Mississippi ><) Burning" entry one to three 2. Get LA file (red [i think it's red, confirm with LA rep] ring file) and at least five dividers 3. Read "To Kill A Mocking Bird"
*LA Movie Screening (Part 3) on Monday, 11 Jan, @ LT2 Integrated Math (:1. HOT Questions :O (direct questions to hanyi!)
2. Prepare a 3 inch arch file (purple), dividers and a
curve rulerChinese1. SUPPOSEDLY need to do some form of annotation for the wo de tong xue compo xD
2. Borrow book from school library and prepare book review (saying during class on Tue)Science1. Read Chapter 18 & 19
2. Do WS 1.1 up to qn 4
*Use back last year's fileGeography1. Get an orange ring file
2. Read Chapters
16, 17, 19, 20 in book 1C
History1. Attempt worksheet on colonialism based on the movie (which i didn't understand ._.)
Art1. Mindmap on Teamwork and Leadership (on drawing block)
2. Find photos which show teamwork and leadership
Malay1. Buy Conversational Malay textbook
2. Get pink plastic folder (the $0.80 kind one)
*Please also take note than the Health Screening will be on Tuesday, 12 Jan (: *
yay! see! I'm done. cya guys on mon ^^ i hope i get my mortal letter then >DD
yixin, yingtong, etsuko, yanli, jamie, jiayous on monday (:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
class tee photoshopped @ 5:38 AM
Hello :D a couple of days ago I did this, so just wanted to show everyone see if it's all right yea.

Front of tee

Back Top of tee

Back bottom of tee (beside will be ur name)
So sad we didn't have a class tee last year.... ):
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
=.=" @ 3:47 AM
can someone else please source out another manufacturer then? I'm awfully tired leh...
yes etsuko, it shall be your job to check up with that lavada (spelled correctly?) company, tqvm. any prob just sms me yea!! (:
Monday, January 4, 2010
Class Tee >< @ 3:51 AM
Helloe it's me again :O
Yupps anyway, I think that it would be much easier if we standardised all the fonts for the names on the class tee yea. So, to Yan Li and Yi Xin and Cheryl Yau: Soooo sorrrrryyyy!!!! Especially to Yi Xin since during assembly today, you told me you really love Impact :3
Yes I think Mr Tan really wants a class tee too -ahem ahem- Does Ms Ong want one? Cos it's like the whole class is having one, including Mr Tan, and I think Ms Ong will feel kinda left out lehs... So sad....
looking forward to my mortal yea!! xD
Sunday, January 3, 2010
:D @ 9:48 PM
Hulloe waiting in class now for french to start..........................
so bored.............
oh ya like I mentioned in the tagbox (<---- over there) each tee will cost about 24 bucks. And the manufacturer said that if we spend above $500, we can get $50 voucher that can sell to another class or.... And does Mr Tan want one? I can't imagine him wearing a lime green round-collared tee (cotton or not):):):):_ i'm dumb. and i admire michelle's smartness.
marshie (that last part is michelle)
One more thingum... @ 1:48 AM
One more thing.
You know tomorrow I'll be collecting the name designs? I just printed all of our names in a font called
ANGELIC WARS, and I will be bringing that piece of paper to school tomorrow. For those who pass me your designs, I will show you your name, and ask if you want the alternative (your name in the specified font) instead. For those who don't pass me your name by tomorrow, I will assume that you want your name in Angelic Wars.
Because Jamie and I want to use this font for our names, so I was thinking, maybe for those who never design, I will use this font too.
Oh, and some of your names might be in a smaller size, cos there's not enough space to fit in the box (there's a limited spacing).
If you don't understand, will show you tomorrow.
就是明天! @ 1:20 AM
Okay, so somehow the year has passed
so quickly... And it's like approximately
13 hours (or around there I didn't rly count) to school... I'm supposed to be doing my chinese tuition homework now, but yea I'm not >:D
Anyway, I
think that the class tee is gonna be a) lime green, b) cotton, c) round-necked. Yes, I know some people want dryfit and some want collared ): Ah well.
So maybe we should add in the other classes' blogs yea. (Psst I kinda promised them to psst)
-goes to add urls-
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Hey there @ 7:32 PM
Hi 213,
Awesome new blog! I've changed the blogskin (is it okay?) and linked everyone up. If your link is outdated then tag the new link here! And if you don't have a blog, I put your name there anyway to make you feel guilty enough to go create one.
Anyway, here's to a great new year together as a class.
Love you guys!
Ying Tong
@ 6:31 AM
Hello twothirteen :D
haha(: second post! let's thank marshie first kay :D -drumroll followed by applause- haha it's two days to school reopening! we'll see each other again! and we'll get mortals (: but still enjoy your ahem remaining (short) holidays! haiz... it'll be back for another hectic hectic year...but at least we'll have each other (: Let's rock 2010. 213 ftw`-
Cheryl (:
Helloes!! (: @ 5:04 AM
Okay hi!!
This is the first post ._. roflmao
Okay, if you want to change the skin, pls copy the profile tagboard links etcetc
And yes I copied the profile from the old blog (: