two thirteen 2010

we love nonsense

We're united, we're crazy, we're high, and we rawk.
two thirteen forever;
two thirteen love.

Chang Shin Yee
Nicole Chew
Chiang Yan Li
Ching Hui Qi
Jamie Foo
Goh Hui Ting
Heng Yi Xin
Koh Han Yi
Lai Ying Tong
Lai Ying Ying
Lam Li Shuen
Leong Xuan Li
Liew Ting Ting
Etsuko Lim
Michelle Lee
Rachel Ng
Kellynn Oen
Rachel Wu
Sabrina Lau
Sophia Kho
Rebecca Tan
Dorcas Tan
Fiona Teo
Xiao Jia Chun
Cheryl Yau


the daydreaming decembers

Shin Yee
20 December

22 December

Remember the presents~

Calendar of Everything 213
8 December: Class Outing
19 December: Splendor in the Grass
25 December: Merry Christmas!
4 January: First Day of School

Saturday, November 20, 2010
2011 Subject and Class Allocation @ 3:29 AM

Hey guys! This is a little late, but anyway, it's also to bring some -fake enthusiasm- life to the class blog! :D And so, since I can't seem to find the print screen button on my dad's MacBook -cue growl- I shall painstakingly type everything out D:

Chang Shin Yee
- 309
- Triple Science

Chew Ni Ke, Nicole
- 301
- 3rd language Japanese

Chiang Yan Li
- 301
- 3rd language MSP

Ching Hui Qi
- 309
- Triple Science

Foo Jie Min, Jamie
- 314
- HP (CHBI, History)

Goh Hui Ting
- 301

Heng Yi Xin
- 301

Koh Han Yi
- 301
- 3rd language French

Lai Ying Tong
- 314
- HP (CHPH, Advanced Literature)
- 3rd language MSP

Lai Ying Ying
- 309
- Triple Science

Lam Li Shuen
- 314
- HP (CHPH, Advanced Literature)

Leong Xuan Li
- 301

Liew Ting Ting
- 311
- CHBI, History
- 3rd language French

Lim Tze Etsuko
- 314
- HP (CHBI, History)

Michelle Lee Huiye
- 309
- Triple Science
- 3rd language French

Ng Su Min, Rachel
- 301
- 3rd language French

Oen Qi Xuan, Kellynn
- 301
- 3rd language German

Rachel Wu Zi Chin
- 314
- HP (CHBI, Geography)
- 3rd language French

Sabrina Lau Hui Ling
- 301
- 3rd language Japanese

Sophia Kho
- 309
- Triple Science

Tan Hui Shan, Rebecca
- 314
- HP (CHBI, History)

Tan Jie Hui, Dorcas
- 309
- Triple Science
- 3rd language French

Teo Sze Lynn, Fiona
- 311
- CHBI, History
- 3rd language French

Xiao Jiachun
- 311
- CHBI, Advanced Literature
- 3rd language French

Yau Jia Min, Cheryl
- 314
- HP (CHPH, History)
- 3rd language MSP
Friday, November 5, 2010
@ 8:47 AM

Shika 2010
- Overall 3rd best play
- Best Script
- Best Production Showcase A
- Best Ensemble Showcase A
- Best Intro Showcase A
- Best Actress Showcase A (Dorcas Tan)

Our two years together may have passed, but we'll forever remain as 213!

- Han Yi